Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rebirth Of A Chic


Anonymous December 17, 2008 at 2:00 AM  


Wow Rebirth of Chic! Amazing!! Love the skirts and red and black plaid dress!! Wow! MashaAllah! Matching Hijaab! I am speechless. I am so in love, and its the exact thing I have been wanting for years!! LOL May Allah reward you for your efforts!! Ameen! Jenna (socal mom group)

Anonymous December 22, 2008 at 4:23 AM  

Assalaamu alaikoum everyone! I'm sooooo happy to hear such great feedback from my fellow muslimah's in need of original modest clothing. I pray that Allah guides me to continue providing a fashionable way to express ourselves without contradicting or conflicting with the wisdom of hijab! Remember to joing our mailing list, and remember that membership is free and you get great discounts that are only available to our "rebirth of chic members"

Boutique Putri Pangeran October 25, 2009 at 8:45 PM  

We from company Indonesia which afoot
in field production Moeslim Clothing Male and Woman " Putri Pangeran " Boutique.
We are clothing use of material the exclisive until produce stylish and elegan.
Website http://www.putripangeran.com or http://www.putripangeran.blogspot.com email : putripangeran@gmail.com

busana muslim June 8, 2010 at 1:31 AM  


Great clothing, I like your design


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